
class Heron.widgets.search.SearchByBufferPanel(config)

A Panel to hold a spatial search by buffering features from another layer.

Search by Buffer works as follows:

WFS layers:

  • select a source layer from wfs layers combo,
  • set a buffer distance (negative buffers are allowed in polygon features)
  • draw a geometry using a draw tool
  • observe features/geometries buffered in the source layer
  • select a target layer (in which to search, using the buffer drawed)
  • fire search through ‘Search’ button

Vector layers:

  • select a source layer from vector layers combo,
  • set a buffer distance (negative buffers are allowed in polygon features)
  • press ‘Buffer’ button to draw the buffer
  • observe features/geometries buffered in the source layer
  • select a target layer (in which to search, using the buffer drawed)
  • fire search through ‘Search’ button

Example Use

This Panel is mostly used in combination with the Heron.widgets.search.FeaturePanel in which results from a search are displayed in a grid and on the Map. Both Panels are usually bundled in a Heron.widgets.search.SearchCenterPanel that manages the search and result Panels. See config example below.


type: ‘hr_searchcenterpanel’, ropts: {

searchPanel: { xtype: ‘hr_searchbybufferpanel’,

id: ‘hr-searchbybuffer’, header: false, border: false, style: {

fontFamily: ‘Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif’, fontSize: ‘12px’


}, resultPanel: {

xtype: ‘hr_featuregridpanel’, id: ‘hr-featuregridpanel’, header: false, border: false, autoConfig: true, exportFormats: [‘XLS’, ‘WellKnownText’], hropts: {

zoomOnRowDoubleClick: true, zoomOnFeatureSelect: false, zoomLevelPointSelect: 8, zoomToDataExtent: false



A SearchCenterPanel can be embedded in a Toolbar item popup as toolbar definition item searchcenter as below. Heron.examples.searchPanelConfig is the SearchCenterPanel config as above.


ype: “searchcenter”, / Options for SearchPanel window ptions: {

show: true,
searchWindow: {

title: __(‘Select by Buffer’), x: 100, y: undefined, width: 360, height: 400, items: [




Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Heron.widgets.search.SpatialSearchPanel.


String Name, e.g. for multiple searches combo.


String A valid value from the OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.* enum like OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.WITHIN Used in the WFS request Spatial Filter for the Source Layer. Default is: OpenLayers.Filter.Spatial.INTERSECTS


String Units to use for DWITHIN spatial filter. Default ‘meter’


Function Filter for OpenLayer getLayersBy(), to filter out WFS-enabled Layers from Layer array except the source selection layer. Default: only Layers that have metadata.wfs (see OpenLayers Layer spec and examples) set.

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Heron.widgets.search.SpatialSearchPanel.


Function called before performing the (vector or wfs) search, applies the buffer to all input features and returns an array of buffer features


Called just before Panel is destroyed.


Called when Layer selected.


Called when Panel has been rendered.


Called when parent Panel is hidden in Container.


Called when parent Panel is shown in Container.


Function called when search is canceled.


Function called when search is complete and succesful. Default is to show “Search completed” with feature count on progress label.


Issue spatial search via WFS.