
class Heron.widgets.search.CoordSearchPanel(config)

A specific Ext.form.FormPanel whose internal form is a Ext.form.BasicForm. Use this form to do pan and zoom to a point in the map. The coordinates are typed in by the user.

Example Use

Sample code showing how to use the CoordSearchPanel.

var panel = new Heron.widgets.search.CoordSearchPanel({
            xtype: 'hr_coordsearchpanel',
            id: 'hr-coordsearchpanelRD',
            title: 'Go to Coordinates (Dutch RD)',
            height: 150,
            border: true,
            collapsible: true,
            collapsed: true,
            onZoomLevel: 8,
            hropts: [ {
                        projEpsg: 'EPSG:28992',
                        projDesc: 'Amersfoort / RD New',
                        localIconFile: 'redpin.png',
                        fieldLabelX: 'x (Dutch RD)',
                        fieldLabelY: 'y (Dutch RD)'

IMPORTANT If using the zoom option (showZoom: true) the global ‘map’ must already be initialized - otherwise the zoom combo box will not contain any scale values! This happens for example if the ‘hr_coordsearchpanel’ is defined BEFORE the ‘hr_mappanel’. The solution is: ALWAYS define the ‘hr_mappanel’ as the FIRST element in the layout tree - this ensures that the ‘map’ is initialized properly. See ‘coordsearch’ demo - here is the right coding scheme:

Heron.layout = {
       xtype: 'panel',
       id: 'hr-container-main',

       items: [ {
               xtype: 'panel',
               id: 'hr-map-and-info-container',
               layout: 'border',
               region: 'center',
               width: '100%',
               collapsible: true,
               split: true,
               border: false,
               items: [ {
                       xtype: 'hr_mappanel',                                   // FIRST
                       id: 'hr-map',
                       region: 'center',
                       collapsible : false,
                       border: false,
                       hropts: Heron.options.map
               } ]
               xtype: 'panel',
               id: 'hr-menu-left-container',
               layout: 'accordion',
               region: "west",
               width: 270,
               collapsible: true,
               split: true,
               border: false,
               items: [ {
                       xtype: 'hr_coordsearchpanel',                   //  SECOND
                       id: 'hr-coordsearchpanel',
                       title: 'Go to Coordinates (Lon/Lat)',
                       height: 150,
                       border: true,
                       collapsible: true,
                       collapsed: false,
                       fieldLabelWidth: 50,
                       onZoomLevel: 6,
                       showZoom: true,
                       layerName: 'Location Europe - Lon/Lat',
                       hropts: [ {
                                               fieldLabelX: 'Lon',
                                               fieldLabelY: 'Lat',
                                               fieldEmptyTextX: 'Enter Lon-coordinate...',
                                               fieldEmptyTextY: 'Enter Lat-coordinate...'
                                       } ]

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.form.FormPanel.


body base cls default value is ‘x-panel’.


cls for setting the font features (example: ‘hr-html-panel-font-size-11’) of the form items default value is “null”.


item cls for setting the font features (example: ‘hr-html-panel-font-size-11’) of the form items default value is “null”.


Alignment of the button(s) - ‘left’, ‘center’, ‘right’ - in the form default value is ‘left’.


Boolean If set to true, the AddMarkers option will be set. If set to false, no AddMarkers option will be set. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the HideMarkers option will be set. If set to false, no HideMarkers option will be set. Default is false.


precision of the input coordinate fields default value is 2.


field label style (e.g. ‘color: red;’) or null default value is “null”.


field label width for the input fields default value is ‘’.


field max width for the input fields default value is 200.


precision of the marker coordinates default value is 2.


field text coordinates seperator default value is ” , “.


field style (e.g. ‘color: green;’) or null default value is “null”.


field text label of the result or null default value is “Marker position: “.


field style (e.g. ‘color: green;’) or null default value is “null”.


user defined projection array. default value is “null” - no transformation will be done.


layer name of the location marker.


Start index entry of the projection combobox default value is 0 (first combobox entry).


zoomlevel when moving to point. default value is -1 (no zoom).


Boolean If set to true, the markers will be removed from the layer when the form is closed. If set to false, the markers layer will be hidden without removing them. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the AddMarkers checkbox will be shown. If set to false, no AddMarkers checkbox will be shown. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the HideMarkers checkbox will be shown. If set to false, no HideMarkers checkbox will be shown. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the projection combobox will be shown. If set to false, an input system selection will not be possible. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the RemoveMarkers button will be shown. If set to false, no RemoveMarkers button will be shown. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the result coordinates will be shown. If set to false, no result coordinates will be shown. Default is false.


Boolean If set to true, the zoom combobox will be shown. If set to false, a zoom selection will not be possible. Default is false.


title of the panel default value is ‘Go to coordinates’.


description line under the title line default value is “null”.


title description style (e.g. ‘font-size: 11px;’) or null default value is “null”.